How to disable text selection in css


This article mainly explains how to disable text selection in CSS. Interested friends may wish to take a look. The method described in this article is simple, quick and practical. Next, let the editor take you to learn how to prohibit text selection in css!

1. Why do you want to prohibit text selection?

In web design, there are Sometimes we don't want users to select and copy certain text, such as website copyright information or company confidential information, etc. At this time, we need to use the function of CSS to prohibit text selection. In addition, prohibiting text selection can also avoid interference caused by user misoperation and optimize the user experience of the page.

Second, how to prohibit text selection

The principle of prohibiting text selection is to control text selection through CSS style to prevent users from selecting and copying certain text. To prevent text selection, we can use the user-select property in CSS, which controls whether the user can select text.

The syntax of the user-select attribute is as follows:

/* none - the text cannot be selected */ user-select: none; /* auto - text is selectable */ user-select: auto; /* all - the text can be selected as a whole */ user-select: all; /* text - text can be selected, but does not contain multiple words */ user-select: text; /* contain - the text can be selected, but not its child elements */ user-select: contain; /* inherit - Inherit the user-select attribute of the parent element */ user-select: inherit;

In the above code, the most commonly used is the user-select: none; attribute, which can completely prohibit text selection. Of course, if we just want to disable text selection in certain elements, rather than the entire page, we can use the following code:

-webkit-user-select:none; /* Safari */ -moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */ -ms-user-select:none; /* IE10+/Edge */ user-select:none; /* Standard syntax */

These codes use browser vendor prefixes to ensure that they work correctly on different types of browsers.

Third, the application scenario of prohibiting text selection

Prohibiting text selectionCan be used in the following scenarios:

  1. Copyright information and confidential information: By prohibiting users from selecting and copying copyright information and company confidential information on the website, page security can be ensured sex.

  2. Menu and navigation bar: When there are menus and navigation bars in the webpage, some misoperations may occur, which makes the user choose a place that should not be selected. By prohibiting the menu The text selection of elements such as the navigation bar and navigation bar can ensure that users can browse and use it better.

  3. Buttons and icons: Sometimes websites need to use some buttons and icons. When users select these buttons and icons, some unnecessary operations will occur. By prohibiting these The text selection of the element can enhance the user interactivity of the page.

Fourth, precautions for prohibiting text selection

In the process of prohibiting text selection, there are the following points that need attention:

  1. It is not recommended to completely prohibit text selection on the entire page, which will cause unnecessary trouble to users and reduce the user experience.

  2. Prohibited text selection should be limited to necessary areas, such as website copyright information, company confidential information, etc.

  3. CSS control settings should include browser vendor prefixes to ensure that they work correctly on different types of browsers.

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