What are the commonly used commands in linux and how to use them


This article mainly introduces the common commands of Linux and how to use them. In daily operations, I believe many people have doubts about the common commands of Linux and how to use them. The easy-to-use method of operation, I hope it will help you to answer your doubts about the commonly used commands in Linux and how to use them! Next, please follow the editor to learn together!

Linux common commands

#Link remote server ssh [email protected] 

#Download the file from the server to the local scp [email protected]:/www/wwwroot/xxxx.zip /Users/xxxx/work/ 

#upload scp xxx.log [email protected]:/tmp/ 

#start service php artisan serve --port=80

docker common commands

#Delete all images docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq) 

#delete all containers docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) 

#Pull image docker pull 2233466866/lnmp 

# start the container docker run -dit \ -p 80:80 \ -p 443:443\ -p 3306:3306 \ -p 9000:9000 \ -v /Users/missapp/work/project/docker/www:/www \ -v /Users/missapp/work/project/docker/mysql:/data/mysql \ --privileged=true \ --name=lnmp \ 2233466866/lnmp 

#View container docker images 

# Enter the container, the container name is consistent with the previous step docker exec -it lnmp /bin/bash

Linux common commands

#tail read from the end of the file tail -f test.php 

# read from the beginning of the file head 

# read the entire file cat 

#page read more #Controllable pagination less 

#search for the keyword grep grep "111" test.php grep -n "111" test.php grep -n "111" test.php |wc -l ps -ef |grep ssh netstat -anpl |grep 'http' netstat -apn|grep 8077 

#find files find 

#Statistics wc

lsof -i:80 php -i |grep ini netstat -lptn ss -ntlp 

#View occupied ports netstat -tunlp 

#View ip ifconfig ip addr 

# Absolute positioning to find your php.ini php -i | grep php.ini history View running command records ping xxx.com telnet 80 

# restart service systemctl restart nginx systemctl restart php-fpm.service 

#Change directory permissions chmod -R 777 ./xxxx 

# change the group chown -R www:www ./xxx

#Server load du -sh ./* Server hardware resource information Memory: free -m Hard disk: df -h Load: w/top

#Decompression tar -zcvf compressed file name .tar.gz compressed file name tar -zxvf compressed file name.tar.gz tar -tf xxx.tar unzip the file tar -tvf xxx.tar unzip the file and display information zip -r xx.zip ./xxx compression unzip xx.zip decompression

#Modify firewall configuration file vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables #Restart the firewall to make the configuration take effect service iptables restart

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