Which directory is the linux mount point directory in?


This article mainly introduces the relevant knowledge of which directory is the linux mount point directory. The content is detailed and easy to understand, the operation is simple and fast, and has certain reference value. The next article will be rewarding, let's take a look together.

The linux mount point directory is generally in the /mnt directory; the user manually mounts the point, that is, the device that the user uses the mount command to mount; in linux , mounting is a very important function, it mounts a device to an existing directory; when we want to access a file in the storage, we must mount the partition where the file is located to an existing directory, and then pass Access this directory to access storage devices.

Where is the Linux mount point directory?

1. The user manually mounts the point, that is, the device that the user mounts using the mount command. The general directory is under the /mnt directory.

2. The mount point and introduction of the system partition are shown in the figure below


What is mount?

Mounting is a very important function. It connects a device (usually a storage device, which can mount CDs, hard disks, tapes, CD image files, etc.) to an existing (This directory may not be empty, but the previous content in this directory will not be available after mounting).

The Linux operating system regards all devices as files, and it integrates the resources of the entire computer into a large file directory. If we want to access the files in the storage, we must mount the partition where the files are located Go to an existing directory, and then access the storage device by accessing this directory. Mounting requires a mount source and a mount point.

Mount source: the object to be mounted

Mount point: a specific directory

linux view directory mount point

df option file directory or file name


-a. --all, display all file systems, including virtual file systems

-B. --block-size specifies the unit size, such as 1K, 1M, etc.

-h, --human-readable is displayed in human-readable GB, MB, KB, etc.

- H. --si is the same as -h parameter, but not 1024, but 1000, that is, 1K=1000, not 1K=1024

-i, --inodes, instead of hard disk capacity, inode The number to display

-k, in KB capacityDisplay each file system, equivalent to --block-size=1k

-m, display each file system in MB capacity, equivalent to --block-size=1m

- l, --local, only display the local file system

--no-sync; do not call the sync command before counting usage information

-sync, call snyc before counting usage information Command

-P, portability, use POSIX format to display

-t, --type=TYPE, only display the specified type of file system

-T, --print-type, display file system type

-x, --exclude-type=TYPE, do not display the specified type of file system

--help, display help information

--version. Display version information


$ df /homeFilesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on/dev/sda1       39088576 21481232  15598720  58% /$ df -khFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted onudev            971M     0  971M   0% /devtmpfs           200M  6.1M  194M   4% /run/dev/sda1        38G   21G   15G  58% /tmpfs           997M  172K  997M   1% /dev/shmtmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/locktmpfs           997M     0  997M   0% /sys/fs/cgrouptmpfs           200M   68K  200M   1% /run/user/1000/dev/sr0         57M   57M     0 100% /media/cheng/VBOXADDITIONS_5.1.30_118389/dev/sdc1       7.3G  4.9G  2.4G  67% /mnt$ df -TFilesystem     Type     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted onudev           devtmpfs    994236        0    994236   0% /devtmpfs          tmpfs       204156     6240    197916   4% /run/dev/sda1      ext4      39088576 21481308  15598644  58% /tmpfs          tmpfs      1020780      172   1020608   1% /dev/shmtmpfs          tmpfs         5120        4      5116   1% /run/locktmpfs          tmpfs      1020780        0   1020780   0% /sys/fs/cgrouptmpfs          tmpfs       204156       72    204084   1% /run/user/1000/dev/sr0       iso9660      58100    58100         0 100% /media/cheng/VBOXADDITIONS_5.1.30_118389/dev/sdc1      vfat       7558232  6250404   1307828  83% /mnt

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