How to scroll screenshots in windows snipaste


Today, the editor will share with you the relevant knowledge points about how to scroll screenshots in windows snipaste. The content is detailed and the logic is clear. After reading this article, everyone has gained something, let's take a look at it together.

The method of snipaste scrolling screenshot

1. First enter the desktop and then open the Snipaste software to start using.

2. Then in the opened Snipaste window, right-click Snipaste and click Preferences.

3. Enter the preferences interface and click the screen capture function option.

4. Then you need to tick Capture mouse pointer.

5. After all the settings are finally completed, you can press the shortcut key F1 to start taking screenshots, and the mouse pointer will appear at this time,

You can start scrolling and take scrolling screenshots.

The above is all the content of this article on how to scroll screenshots in windows snipaste, thank you for reading! I believe that everyone has gained a lot after reading this article. The editor will update different knowledge for you every day. If you want to learn more knowledge, please pay attention to the Yisu cloud industry information channel.

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