How to set up a third-level domain name in nginx

2023-09-11 15:41:36

<p>problem description</p><p>By configuring nginx, you can set an ip address to access different web applications through different ports, but after a long time, the relationship between port numbers and applications becomes blurred.</p><p>For example, http://120.79.79.xx:9001 and, although both websites point to the same website, the latter is obviously more interesting than the former. At the same time, in website seo, the latter also has a higher weight than the former.</p><p>elementary knowledge</p><p>Top-level domain name:</p><p>Second-level domain name:,, in which baidu and sina are second-level domain names.</p><p>Third-level domain name: zhidao is the third-level domain name in</p><p>Basic steps</p><p>Set address resolution</p><p>Configure nginx listening</p><p>Configure nginx jump</p><p>Create address resolution</p><p>Alibaba Cloud used by the author, after logging in to the Alibaba Cloud background, adds a record and fills the third-level domain name into the host record. For details, please refer to the following figure.</p><p><img src=""/></p><p><img src=""/></p><p>Configure nginx</p><p>Modify the default file in/etc/nginx/sites-avilable, and the complete code is as follows:</p><p>server { listen 80 default_server; &nbsp;listen [::]:80 default_server; &nbsp;root /var/www/html/wordpress; &nbsp;index &nbsp;index.php &nbsp;index.html &nbsp;index.htm &nbsp;index.nginx-debian.html ; &nbsp;server_name; &nbsp;location / { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; &nbsp;} location ~ .php$ { include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf; &nbsp;fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock; &nbsp;} location ~ /.ht { deny all; }} # Service2server {listen80; &nbsp;server_name; &nbsp;location / { proxy_pass &nbsp;http://120.79.xx.xx:9000/; }}</p><p>Both services are listening on the same port 80, but the server_name of service 2 is consistent with the newly set address resolution. Then set proxy_pass to forward the information obtained from port 80 to port 9000.</p>

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