What short answer questions are there in javascript?


Since there are many JavaScript short answer questions, only some basic questions are listed below.

What type of language is JavaScript?

Answer: JavaScript is an interpreted scripting language.

How to define a JavaScript variable?

Answer: Use the var keyword to define variables, for example: var a = 1;

What are the data types in JavaScript?

Answer: Data types in JavaScript mainly include numeric, string, Boolean, undefined and null.

How to determine the data type of a variable?

Answer: Use the typeof operator, for example: typeof a;

How to convert string to numeric type?

Answer: Use the parseInt() or parseFloat() function to convert the string into a numeric type.

How to convert numeric type to string?

Answer: Use the toString() method to convert the numeric value into a string.

How to do string concatenation?

Answer: Use the + operator for string concatenation, for example: "Hello" + "World";

What are the logical operators in JavaScript?

Answer: The logical operators in JavaScript include logical AND (&&), logical OR (||) and logical NOT (!).

How to iterate over an array?

Answer: Use a for loop to traverse the array, for example: for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {}

How to iterate over the properties of an object?

Answer: Use a for-in loop to traverse object properties, for example: for(var prop in obj) {}

What are the events in JavaScript?

Answer: Events in JavaScript mainly include mouse events, keyboard events, form events, and form events.

How to bind an event?

Answer: Use the addEventListener() method to bind events, for example: element.addEventListener("click", function(){}).

How to delete a node?

Answer: Use the removeChild() method to delete nodes, such as parentElement.removeChild(childElement).

How to create an XMLHttpRequest object?

Answer: Use the XMLHttpRequest() constructor to create an XMLHttpRequest object. For example: var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest().

How to send an Ajax request?

Answer: Use the open() and send() methods of the XMLHttpRequest object to send an Ajax request. For example: xmlhttp.open(“GET”, “url”, true); xmlhttp.send();

The above are only relatively basic JavaScript short answer questions. For different needs, there are many advanced topics involving JavaScript that require further learning and mastering.

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