How to Bold CSS


1、 Bold text using font weight attribute

The most commonly used method for bold text in CSS is to use the font weight attribute. This attribute defines the thickness of the text. By default, the font weight value of the text is normal, that is, plain font. If we change this value to bold, the text will become bold. Here is an example:

P {font weight: bold;}

In this example, we used a CSS selector to select all paragraph elements and set their font weight attribute to bold. In this way, the text in all paragraphs will be displayed in bold.

The font weight attribute can also take a smaller value, such as 400 (equivalent to normal), or a larger value, such as 700 or 800. A larger value will make the text appear thicker, but it depends on whether the font itself supports this type of boldness. If the font does not support this bold font, the browser will use the default bold effect instead.

2、 Use strong labels to bold text

In addition to using the font weight attribute, we can also use the strong tag in HTML to bold the text. Usually, strong tags are used to represent text that emphasizes importance. By default, this type of text will be displayed in bold. Here is an example:

<p>This article is very important and must be read carefully</ P>

In this example, we used the strong tag in a paragraph to emphasize the word 'important'. In the browser, this word will be displayed in bold form. A similar representation for strong tags is to use the b tag. The difference between these two tags is that the b tag only undergoes style changes and has no semantic meaning. The strong tag emphasizes the importance of the text.

3、 Use CSS selector to select specified text

In some special cases, we need to select text in a specific position or style and bold it. At this point, we can use pseudo class selectors in CSS to implement it. For example:

p: : first letter {font weight: bold;}

In this example, we use the: first letter pseudo class selector to select the first letter of each paragraph and bold its font. In this way, the first letter of each paragraph will be displayed in bold.

There are also other similar pseudo class selectors, such as: first line and: selection. Their usage is similar to: first letter, where specific text can be selected and bolded according to different needs.


Bold is a common text style in CSS. There are many different ways to achieve bold effects, such as using font weight attributes, strong tags, and pseudo class selectors. We can choose different bold methods based on actual needs and design requirements. I hope this article is helpful to you and I wish you more skills in web design!

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