Delete registry oracle


In a computer system, the registry is an important component, which stores the configuration information of the system and applications, including the settings of the operating system and applications, user settings and hardware configuration information. Oracle is a widely used relational database management system, and it also uses the registry to store the configuration information of the system and applications. In some cases, it may be necessary to delete the Oracle registry key to solve some problems. This article will introduce the steps of how to delete the Oracle registry key.

You should back up the registry before any registry editing operation. Therefore, before deleting the Oracle registry key, make sure that you have backed up the registry so that you can restore it if necessary. The way to back up the registry is to open the running window, Enter regedit and press Enter, and back up the current registry by selecting Export. Before deleting, we need the following:

To delete an Oracle registry key

1. Open the Registry Editor To open the Registry Editor, press the Windows+R key, Enter regedit in the running window and press Enter. This will open the Registry Editor.

2. Locate the Oracle registry key. In the Registry Editor, expand the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder. Next, locate and expand the SOFTWARE folder, and then locate the Oracle folder.

From the Oracle folder, select the Oracle item that needs to be deleted. This will show you detailed information about the selected Oracle item.

3. Back up the registry. Be sure to back up the registry before deleting the Oracle key. To do this, right-click the computer item at the top and select Export. This will create a registry backup file for you in case you need to restore it.

4. Delete the Oracle key After making sure that you have backed up the registry, right-click the Oracle key and select the Delete option. A confirmation dialog box appears confirming that you want to delete the item. Select Yes to continue.

5. Clean up residual entries If you have installed multiple versions of Oracle applications, there may be some residual registry entries. In order to completely delete Oracle, these remnants should be removed.

In the registry editor, select edit > find, and then enter Oracle. Each matching item needs to be confirmed and deleted.

6. Finish Once you have deleted the Oracle key and cleaned up all remaining keys, you can close the Registry Editor and finish the operation.


Be sure to back up the Oracle registry before deleting it. Deleting registry keys is a high-risk operation, and if there is an error, it may cause the system to crash or the application to fail to work normally. Therefore, please carefully find and confirm which items to delete, and delete them one by one. If you are not sure what to do, please seek professional help.

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