Linux does not support mp3 how to solve


Linux does not support mp3 because of license issues, linux cannot include MP3 decoding or encoding functions on its base distribution; but users can use third-party software libraries To provide MP3 support, the method is: 1. Install gstreamer; 2. Switch to the music directory and execute the mid3iconv -e GBK *.mp3 command; 3. Install python-mutagen, and then execute mid3iconv -e GBK *.mp3 .

Ubuntu16.04 solves the problem of not being able to play mp3

The MP3 encoding scheme has been quite unhappy with the open source community in the past ten years. Due to license issues, linux cannot include MP3 decoding or encoding functions in its base distribution, so many users can only provide MP3 support through third-party software libraries

Now, the patent for MP3 has expired . And MP3 encoding and decoding will be officially supported by Fedora soon.

A friend tried ubuntu and asked me why such a common format as mp3 is not supported, um...Search by yourself.

Back to the topic, the mp3 playback of ubuntu16.04 actually needs to be solved together with the Chinese garbled characters of the player

//I am using the Rhythmbox player that comes with ubuntu
//1. Install gstreamer
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3
//Please use the tab key to complete, as the version may be continuously updated
//At this time, your problem may have been resolved because your Chinese display is normal
//2. Resolve Rhythmbox Chinese garbled code
//Switch to the music directory and do the following
mid3iconv -e GBK *.mp3
The mid3iconv command mainly converts the ID3 information of the original mp3 music file
Becomes Unicode and saves it back to the file in the ID3v2 format.
//At this point, the system will prompt you to install python multitagen
sudo apt install python-mutagen
//Re execution
mid3iconv -e GBK *.mp3
//Observe whether the Chinese language is displayed normally
//3. The above steps were executed normally and successfully
Enter Rhythmbox and click on an MP3 song,
A dialog box will pop up and download something. I don't remember, and I can't take a screenshot for you
In short, click Confirm directly, download, and continue. After all are completed, you should already be able to listen to MP3

What are the versions of Linux

Linux versions include: Deepin, UbuntuKylin, Manjaro, LinuxMint, Ubuntu and other versions. Among them, Deepin is one of the best-developed Linux distributions in China; UbuntuKylin is a derivative distribution based on Ubuntu; Manjaro is a Linux distribution based on Arch; the default Cinnamon desktop of LinuxMint is similar to Windows XP and is easy to use; Ubuntu is a desktop application The main Linux operating system.

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