Talk about the calculation method of Gitee contributor ranking


Gitee is a well-known open source code hosting platform in China. It provides a platform for developers to share, learn and collaborate, and has attracted the attention and participation of a large number of developers. Contributor ranking in Gitee is an important indicator, which allows developers to more clearly understand their contribution in the community and improve their influence. This article will introduce the calculation method of Gitee contributor ranking.

The ranking of Gitee contributors is calculated according to the degree of contribution of developers on the Gitee platform, mainly including code submission, merge request, comment, issue and pull request, Star and other aspects.

First of all, code submission is an important factor in the ranking of Gitee contributors. If you are a contributor, you can submit code to Gitee's open source projects. Every time you submit code, you can increase your contribution value in the project. The more times the code is submitted, the higher the contribution value and the higher the ranking.

Secondly, merge requests are also an important part of contributor ranking. A merge request refers to reviewing the code submitted by others. When the review is passed and merged with the main code, the contribution value of the merge request will increase. This process requires developers to have certain code review capabilities.

Comments are also a factor in Gitee contributor ranking calculations. In Gitee, developers can comment on code submitted by others or discuss issues. By participating in discussions and providing assistance, you can increase your contribution value and improve your ranking.

At the same time, publishing Issue and Pull Request is also one of the factors for contributor ranking. Publishing Issues and Pull Requests shows that the developers have some ideas about the solution to the problem and have taken active actions to solve the problem. This process can also increase the contribution value of developers.

Finally, Star is also one of the factors for ranking Gitee contributors. Star is a way for supporters of open source community projects to be displayed, with a function similar to likes. The more Stars the project gets, the higher the contribution of the contributors.

In a word, the Gitee contributor ranking is calculated by comprehensively considering the performance of developers in code submission, merge request, comment, issue and pull request, Star, etc. Developers who want to improve their rankings should actively participate in open source projects, provide helpful comments and suggestions, and submit high-quality code. At the same time, you should also conduct in-depth exchanges and cooperation with other developers to continuously improve your technical level and community participation.

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