How to add helpers.php to laravel framework? (Detailed steps)


What this article brings to you is about how to add helpers.php to laravel's framework. (Detailed steps), it has certain reference value, and friends in need can refer to it, hoping to help you.

1. create the app/Http/helpers.php file.

2. Modify the compose.json file.

"autoload": { "classmap": [ "database/seeds", "database/factories" ], "psr-4": { "App\\": "app/" }, # Added files key "files": [ "app/Http/helpers.php" ] },

3. Execute the command composer dump-autoload.

4. Define the method in app/http/helpers.php.

if (! function_exists('test')) { function test() { # code something } }

Then, we can easily use the method directly in the program ...

public function testHelper(){ $testHelper = test(); }

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