The difference between where and having in MySQL

2022-12-06 16:57:39

<p><strong>Misunderstanding:</strong></p><p>Don&#39;t be wrong, think HAVING and Group BY must be used with it.</p><p><strong>Analysis of where and having usage:</strong></p><p><strong><br/></strong></p><p>1. WHERe and having can use scenes:</p><p>Select goods_price, goods_name from goods where goods_price&gt; 100</p><p>Select goods_price, goods_name from goods having goods_price&gt; 100</p><p>Explanation: The premise of having above is that I have screened the goods_price field, and the effect of where is in this case is equivalent.</p><p> But if there is no select goods_price, an error will be reported! Intersection Because Haveing is screened from the previous screening field, and where is directly screened from the field in the data table.</p><p> Therefore, you can see that where is aimed at the database file, and HAVING played for the results set.</p><p> In fact, the second SQL statement is equivalent to the following statements to better understand:</p><p> &nbsp; Select goods_price, goods_name from goods where 1 having goods_price&gt; 100</p><p> &nbsp;</p><p> 2. You can only use where, and you cannot use the situation of having:</p><p>Select goods_name, goods_number from goods where goods_price&gt; 100</p><p>Select goods_name, goods_number from goods having goods_price&gt; 100</p><p>Explanation: The second SQL statement reports an error. This is caused by the screening of goods_price. It can be seen that HAVING plays a role in the result set.</p><p> &nbsp;</p><p> 3. You can only use having, and you do not use where:</p><p> Query the average price of each Category_id product, and obtain product information with an average price greater than 1,000 yuan.</p><p> &nbsp; Select Category_id, AVG (GOODS_PRICE) As Ag from Goods Group by Category_id Having AG&gt; 1000</p><p> &nbsp; Select Category_id, AVG (GOODS_PRICE) As Ag from Goods WHERE AG&gt; 1000 Group by Category_id_id_id</p><p> Explanation: The second SQL statement reports an error, because there is no AG field in the data table of FROM Goods.</p><p><strong>Review:</strong></p><p> WHERE must follow the fields in the data table, where is the role of database files.</p><p> Haveing only query based on the results set queries before, so Haveing plays a role in the results set.</p><p><strong>The comprehensive application case of where and having:</strong></p><p><span style="color: rgb(45, 48, 55); font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, &quot;Microsoft Yahei&quot;, &quot;Hiragino Sans GB&quot;, &quot;Heiti SC&quot;, &quot;WenQuanYi Micro Hei&quot;, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">SELECT st_name,sum(score&lt;60)&nbsp; as k,avg(score) FROM tbl_score group by st_name having k&gt;=2;</span></p><p> &nbsp;</p>

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